Saturday, May 14, 2016

A perfect spot: The Nisanyan Hotel in Sirince

Tuesday, May 10
Beautiful village of Sirince, from our hotel room

On late Tuesday afternoon, we drove to the village of Sirince, the location of our hotel Nisanyan.  It’s very high hills, covered with olive trees on the way up.  The village tumbles down an incline between two hills – filled with white houses and terra cotta tile roofs.

It is described as an old Orthodox village, 12 km away from Ephesus; the name “sirince” means pretty.  It is known for it’s fruit trees and wine – especially fruit wines.  On weekends, it’s apparently a popular tourist destination – but we were about the only ones here mid week.

We had to climb a steep switchback road to get to the hotel, which is located above the village.  It’s actually a series of houses and cottages to rent.  We stayed in the main villa , in a room on the 3rd floor with a view of the village below us and the surrounding mountains.  So peaceful and fresh.

When we arrived, we were greeted by the manager, Okan, and invited to sit in the courtyard next to the fountain and have a glass of elderberry drink.  Just that little break immediately made me feel all relaxed and any tension just fell away in this little oasis.  Our host invited us to select our dinner menu for the evening.

Courtyard fountain at the Hotel Nisanyan

Steps leading to restaurant/breakfast room

The room  is decorated in an attractive manner– rustic, but many nice small touches.  It has a “French” claw foot bathtub with frescos, house made olive oil soap, bath salts, rose milk, candles.  A lovely packet of rose bud and pistachio Turkish delight and extra bottles of water on the table.  Many candles, to be used, if desired.  We opened the windows to let the breezes waft in  and were treated to a cacophony of animal sounds – a donkey braying, geese, cows, sheep, dogs.

Our room at Nisanyan Hotel

I relaxed, Mike went for a walk and a swim in their outdoor (cold) pool.  We had
dinner in their restaurant – lovely opera music was playing.   Ismail, our waiter, had sprinkled rose petals on the table.  We began with a warm salad with figs, scallions, red cabbage, walnuts and raisins sautĂ©ed and then placed on bed of lettuce with sesame ginger dressing.  I had chicken cooked in phyllo pastry, Mike had sea bass kebaps, wood fire roasted potatoes w rosemary.  Dessert was a little round cake made of smallvermicilli noodles like shredded wheat, with a sweet cheese filling served w/ syrup and ice cream and dusted w pistachios. We had a great table wine from Bursa, a syrah,  which was excellent.  We finished with Turkish coffee w/ Turkish delight and water, following the ritual Muammer has taught us.

Warm salad with figs,walnuts, scallions, raisens on lettuce with sesame dressing

Chicken in phyllo crust

Sea bass kebap

Dessert - yum!

Turkish coffee and Turkish delight

We were treated to a beautiful sunset, and the muezzin’s call to prayer, was absolutely beautiful, echoing off the surfaces in the village up to our open window.  Great day, even greater night.

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