Monday, January 13, 2020

Oceans of Olives - beautiful vistas

Olive groves as far as the eye can see in every direction

Sunday, November 3, 2019                  Granada

After our tour today of the Alhambra, we left Granada and drove for about 90 minutes to Ubeda, our stop for the night. We drove over a pass within the Sierra Nevada – with high rock pinnacles and majestic vistas.

Driving through the Sierra Nevada

But most amazing was the complete coverage of every possible square inch of land with olive trees – growing everywhere on all slopes. As we passed into the flatter plains where Ubeda is sited, you could really see the “oceans of olives.”  
Our guide Armadio, himself an olive farmer, said this region of Spain produces more olive oil than all of Italy. 

As we grew closer to Ubeda, we passed a number of olive oil refineries and you could smell the olive oil in the air. It was dusky dark when we finally arrived sometime past 6:30 PM.

Oceans of Olives - hill after hill, field after field, for miles

An abandoned farm building

How do they harvest these trees crawling up the foothills?

Golden hour of evening sunlight as we drive to the town of Ubeda

As we got close to Ubeda, we could smell the olive oil in the air from the refineries

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