Thursday, April 28, 2022

Blending Colors and Textures - Master Gardeners at Keukenhof


The blending of colors and textures is so pleasing to the eye

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Each year the designers at Keukenhof Gardens take three months to plan a completely new design for the upcoming tulip season.  When the blooming season is finished, in mid-May, the bulbs are destroyed.

I was fascinated with the blending of colors, textures and types of flowers in many of the beds.  I found these plantings even more spectacular than the masses of single bulb types.  Selecting the design for these beds must be like having an artist's palate at hand to play with color and light.

A friend said this combination looks like a tapestry - I agree.

Deep purple, pale yellow, light blue, cream -- Wow!

Only a hint of how pretty this will be, as the rose tulips begin to open

Soft blushing colors

Love these colors - wouldn't they be a beautiful bouquet?

Lots of non-tulip blooms added to the mix

Showy and spectacular - each bloom larger than my open hand

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