Sunday, April 17, 2022

Lucius Visrestaurant - a tasty dinner in central Amsterdam


Lucius Visrestaurant - a great place for a seafood dinner

Saturday, April 16, 2022

We had a fun afternoon and evening walking around central Amsterdam, but were glad we had made dinner reservations in advance, as the city was packed with people on this beautiful Easter Saturday.

Our hotel receptionist had recommended the Lucius Visrestaurant - a great choice.  We enjoyed a few glasses of Cava, and started with a seaweed salad and lobster bisque.  The seaweed salad was a winner - topped with chopped shrimp and lobster - it was crisp and tangy.

Michael enjoyed the mixed grilled fish platter, but my choice was the tops.  Three pan fried baby sole, with a light breading crust.  So tender, and easy to fillet right on the plate.  We enjoyed every bite, and left no room for dessert.  And then headed out to walk off our indulgences in the evening twilight glow.

Intimate, with about 20 tables, and packed - even at 6:30 PM

The menu is a book - lots to choose and all sounded so tempting

The mixed grill, with halibut, tuna, salmon and prawns

Michael chose the seaweed salad - fresh and crisp and tasting of the North Sea.

My favorite - three simple, pan fried baby sole - delicate and delicious

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