Sunday, April 17, 2022

Canals, Boats and Rows of Tall, Gabled Houses - Amsterdam's Unique Character


The Singel Canal, with Hotel Estherea's navy awnings on the right; our home for the night.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

We visited Amsterdam about 10 years ago.  When we returned home, my most distinct memory is of beautiful canals, with many boats, lined with 17th century houses - all tall and thin, mostly 5 stories high, with various decorative gables topping each one to distinguish it from its neighbors.

While the streets in the central district were packed with people, bicycles, motor scooters and taxis, the canals seemed like an oasis of quiet elegance.  The early spring green leaves are popping out on the trees and the golden evening lighting painted a warm glow on the tops of all the buildings.

Our hotel says the Singel Canal is the oldest in Amsterdam.

Imagining what stories this bike might be able to tell

Covered structures on the right are the Bloemen Markt - flower market- along the Singel canal

No spaces between these structures, but all manage to look unique - especially the gables

The Magna Plaza shopping center at the Dam, one of the main squares in the central city

Koninklijk Paleis - Royal Palace - on the Dam Square

Windows of the Royal Palace

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