Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Rembrant's Birthplace and University Town - Leiden

View of the Molen de Put windmill and the Rembrandt Bridge from Rembrandtsplaas, Leiden

Monday, April 18, 2022

We ended our first full bicycling day in the town of Leiden, famous for its university and as the birthplace of Rembrandt.  We cycled to the old section, to enter the city over the Morschpoort Gate, near the Molen de Put windmill and across the Rijn (Rhine) from the location where Rembrandt was born in 1606.

Leiden is famous for its university, the oldest and some say the most prestigious in the Netherlands.  It was founded by William of Orange in 1575.

Following the canals between the dunes and the city of Leiden

View of the Molen de Put from the Morspoortbrug (bridge)

Entrance to this section of the old city is through the Morspoort Gate (1669)

In the shadow of the Molen de Put windmill

Old city Leiden and old boats on this section of the Rijn (Rhine) river/canal

A beautiful, sunny day

Crossing the Rembrandtbrug (bridge) over the Rhine

Standing in the plaza marking the location of Rembrandt's birthplace

A statute of a young Rembrandt, painting a self-portrait, in Rembrandtsplaats

We finished our ride at Leiden Centraal Train Station, where we parked our bikes for the night.

A two story bike parking lot, with thousands of bikes awaiting the commuters' return

We road a bit over 60 km today (36 miles) and I treated myself to a Snicker's Ice Cream bar at the train station.  Our group was picked up in the Aurora's van by Andre, who drove us back to the boat.  After a rest and a shower, we had an amazing dinner cooked by Karina and served by Andre - a starter of white asparagus salad, roasted chicken with stuffing and a beautiful tarte tatin for dessert.  I was ready for a good night's sleep!

A warm and perfectly caramelized Tarte Tatin to end our day


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