Thursday, April 28, 2022

Keukenhof Gardens - the Crown Jewel of the Tulip Season

Entrance to the Keukenhof Gardens

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

THE place to be in Holland for tulip season, the Keukenhof Gardens, hosts 1.5 million visitors each year.  I was so glad to be one of them.  The gardens are only open from mid-March to mid-May, during the blooming season

More than 7 million flowering bulbs are planted each autumn, with more than 800 different varieties of tulips.  At the end of the blooming season, all of the bulbs are destroyed - many used for animal fodder.

We had about 3 hours to spend in the garden.  I walked more than 15,000 steps and still didn't see it all.  Our host, Karina, had packed a lunch for us, so we had a lovely break, sitting among the beautiful flowers while we had a little picnic lunch.

The Hoofdentree - Main Entrance pavilion at Keukenhof

Each year, a new theme is chosen by the garden designers.  In 2022, the theme is Flower Classics, reflecting on the fact that flowers have been a part of our lives for centuries.  The garden covers more than 79 acres and the bulbs are supplied free by about 100 bulb growers.

The gardens employee more than 30 full time gardeners.

Keukenhof is adjacent to a number of blooming flower fields.

You can purchase a ticket for a boat ride among the canals that pass through the tulip fields

Map of Keukenhof, showing the 6 pavilions, the layout of the gardens and the flowering fields

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