Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A little 23K gold with your cappucino today?

The specialty coffee at the Palace Emirates hotel - sprinkled with 23K gold flakes - very impressive!

Sunday, February 18

As our first stop in Abu Dhabi was the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, it was already noon when we drove onto the main island of AD, past many walled compounds owned by the sheikhs along the seacoast.  We drove to see the Emirates Palace hotel – built to house official visits by foreign dignitaries to the UAE, as well as to serve as an elegant hotel.  We stopped to visit the interior, as well as have a bite to eat.  Inside is filled with crystals and gold leaf – it sits across the canal from the royal palace and you could see a huge yacht parked at the dock in front of the palace.

The Palace Emirates Hotel complex - also an official residence to host state visits and receptions

Gold leaf and crystal everywhere you look 
More gold leafed medallions and gold colored marble pillars

Beautifully tiled & painted ceiling in the official state residences - all the floors above the lobby, with no access to the general public in this section

We had a coffee break at the cafĂ©.  I was a total tourist and ordered the Palace Emirates cappuccino – topped with 23K gold flakes.  They also serve ice cream covered in gold leaf, and pastries or french fries sprinkled with gold flakes.  Ute says they use 5 kilos of gold in a year for the food and drink offerings.

Ute ordered a camelcino – make with camel’s milk, and Mike had a salmon and kale salad.  We spent about an hour drinking, eating, relaxing and visiting a few shops on our way out. 

Lobby Cafe at the Emirates Palace - surround yourself in gold
Ute ordered a "camelcino" - the top one - which is made with camel's milk - notice the camel decoration made with date syrup.  Mine is the Palace Emirates cappucino - with drinkable 23 K gold flakes.  Both are served with a chocolate and a date.

Mike is standing in front of one of two large hand made rugs - one of the palace hotel complex in daylight and one in moonlight

Detail of this finely woven beautiful rug

To give you an idea of how massive this rug really is -- hanging over two stories in front of the escalators
Detail of the gold leaf on the ceiling medallions

1 comment:

  1. Amazing pictures. What does camel's milk taste like? What did you wear to the mosque. Such beautiful work!! The hand woven rugs were also just beautiful! Sally
