Friday, February 23, 2018

One night in Kathmandu at the lovely Dwarika Hotel

Our welcome to the Dwarika Hotel in Kathmandu

Tuesday, February 20                                                                           Nepal

After our visit to Bhaktapur, we boarded our busses and entered the crazy traffic again, driving back past the airport and then beyond to our hotel for the evening: Dwarika’s Hotel.  We were greeted at the entrance with white blessing shawls and glasses of beer, wine and water.  The hotel is a beautiful and peaceful oasis, with buildings fashioned very much like what we saw in Bhaktapur and the elaborate woodcarving of the window and door frames. There are flower filled vessels of water, bubbling fountains, and incense burning in small shrines, all making a great perfume in the air. We received our room information  and went to clean up for a set of lectures and dinner.  Dinner was ala carte and Mike  selected the Japanese restaurant, Mako’s.

A quiet oasis in downtown Kathmandu
Hotel courtyard

Amazing wood carvings

This hotel building reminded me of the Palace of the 55 Windows

Incense burning in the morning filled the courtyard with a beautifully fragrant perfume

Packed and ready to go on Wednesday morning

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