Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Date markets to the Louvre - you can find it all in Abu Dhabi

Dozens of varieties of dates to be found in the shops at the date market

February 18, Sunday
Continuing our tour with Ute, in the afternoon we drove along the Corniche and past Port Zayed to stop at the Fruit, Vegetable and Date market.  Ute has a favorite shop for dates – we saw dozens of varieties of dates, and sampled a few, including the Medjool, chocolate covered dates and fresh dates which had just been imported from Algeria – all sweet, and delicious.  We bought some date syrup and fresh dates to take with us. 

Date varieties vary in their color, size, juiciness,and sweetness

Fresh dates harvested from Algeria - it is said a person can live on 7 dates a day with camel milk

Ute's favorite date shop at the market -- they let you sample many items

Next, we headed over to Saadiyat Island to see the new Louvre Abu Dhabi, which has only been opened since November . So glad we stopped to see the museum – it was spectacular.  It’s theme is “See Humanity in a New Light.”  The building highlights an open air dome that is 4 layers of complicated geometric patterns overlapping for interesting effects of light.  The permanent exhibition is themed to show the cross connections of humanity.  The exhibition selects three items from different cultures on a number of different themes – in representing family and motherhood, in making and decorating ewers, tools, boxes for the afterlife - and the three items help to highlight our human connections across different cultures.  A number of famous western paintings are also on display – including a DaVinci and the painting of Whistler’s Mother.  

The Lourvre Abu Dhabi has a dome that is open to sea and sky

Four layers of building materials allows for light to filter in, mimicking the effect of date palm fronds overhead

The collection is great, but the architecture is the real star at this museum - walkway to entrance here

Fountain of Light steel and glass sculpture by Chinese artist Ah Wei Wei

More impressive architecture - the Capital Gate building by the exhibition center - leans 18 degrees!
Etihad Towers and copper and glass Bab al Qsar hotel on the west Corniche road

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