Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The awesome beauty and serenity of the Sheikh Fayed Grand Mosque

This most beautiful mosque will hold 40,000 worshipers and is among the top 10 largest in the world

February 18, Sunday

On our tour of Abu Dhabi, we drove past Yaz Island and saw the Ferrari complex, with its red roof, housing an indoor amusement park and a Formula One race track.  Ute talked with us the whole time, providing information on the buildings, the history and the culture of the area.  Our first stop was the Sheikh Zayed  Grand Mosque, an incredible complex completed in 2008.  It was designed by the Sheikh to be a cultural center as well as a religious building, took 10 years to build and holds 40,000 people for worship. He died a few years before it was completed.

A multi-columned arcade surrounds all 4 sides.

The columns are capped with gold painted palm fronds
Each column is inlaid with semi-precious stones in flower patters:  lapis lazuli, jasper, mother of pearl

The mosque  has more than 80 domes, 7 Swarovski crystal chandeliers, including the main one under the dome which weighs 12 tons, more than 1000 columns in the arcades surrounding the white marble courtyard, inlayed with colored stones in the shapes of flowers.  Inside is the largest carpet in the world, woven by 1300 weavers in 9 large sections, taking over 2 years and billions of knots to complete – it weighs 38 tons.

The white marble floors are inlaid with colored marble in the pattern of huge flowers

Iznik style tiles are used to decorate the walls

Large 3 dimensional marble flowers are climbing the walls in this room

A beautiful Swarovski crystal chandelier in pastel colors

This six petalled crystal clock lists the 5 times for daily prayer, as well as the time of sunrise

The three largest Swarovski chandeliers are under the main three domes of the worship hall.

Prayers are orients toward Mecca - the golden niche marks the direction.  The Iman speak s from the stand to  our right.

The floor is covered with the largest carpet in the world, which weighs 38 tons.

Exterior moats surround the outside and reflect the columns in the water.

There are 4 delicate and graceful minarets of carved white marble with gold embellishments. 

Glass mosaic 5 petaled star designed in shades of blue

Women must be covered with an abaya, or wear clothes that cover arms, legs, neck and head; men cannot wear shorts or sleeveless shirts.  You must always remove your shoes before entering a mosque.   We spent more than an hour there, admiring the mosaic floors, walls and columns, the chandeliers and clocks showing the time of sunrise and prayer times, and the mosaic glass designs and other decorations.

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