Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A picnic lunch is always welcome!

Monday, October 28, 2019                                                                              Evora

He spoke no English, we spoke no Portuguese, but he made us 2 wonderful ham sandwiches for a picnic lunch!

With our tour of Evora finished at 1 PM, Michael and I went into a small market and purchased 
ham sandwiches and sides for a picnic lunch. We managed to mime what we wanted, as our 
command of Portuguese is severely limited!

Praca do Giraldo, the main square in Evora

Bringing a little Chicago to Portugal - Praca do Giraldo

So many beautiful items made from cork - including shoes!

Yes! Last chance for the wonderful Pasteis de Nata before we leave Portugal

These tasty little custard pastries will stay in my memory for a long time!

Along the way home, we shopped for souvenirs – some items made of cork, of course. We
had hoped to eat our lunch in the public garden, but a light rain had started, so we went back to our posada and found a pretty, protected spot under a pergola.

Grapevine pergola at the posada.

Perfect location for our picnic lunch

The fragrance of the grapes was an extra bonus

Later, the sun came out and we went for a leisurely stroll past many of the places we had seen 
on our morning tour with our guide.

Garden of Diana and the mirdouro overlooking the south part of town

They call this sculpture "The Kiss" - originally it was one piece, but cracked and has been left as is...

The medieval Tower of the Five Shields

Our posada - the convent connected to the private St. John the Evangelist church

The capitals and columns of the Temple of Diana (which is it's name, but not for whom the temple was built!)

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