Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Largest Gothic Cathedral and the Chapel of the Bones

Monday, October 28, 2019                                                                              Evora
Our Lady of "O" - clearly with child - is a favorite of devotees in the Evora cathedral

We next toured the cathedral of Evora, which has two square towers and was built in the Roman-Gothic style in the 1200’s.  Our guide Maria says it’s one of the most important gothic monuments in Portugal.  It has a beautiful Spanish style pipe organ with horizontal, as well as vertical, pipes.  The choir, built during the Renaissance in the 1500’s has detailed wooden carvings.   The 18th-century main altar, is made of pink, black, and white marble. A special sculpture of the Madonna of “O” is a favorite of women pray for pregnancy, as it depicts a clearly gravid version of Mary.

The Se - Evora's cathedral - built in the 13th century, is the largest Romanesque/Gothic church in Portugal

Beautiful pink, black and white marble in the nave and altar surround

Original organ from the 1500's, in Iberian style with horizontal pipes.

Beautiful gilded baroque alter with Our Lady of "O" from the 15th century

We finished at the Church of St. Francis (Igreja Real de São Francisco)  which contains a famous chapel lined with human skills and other bones. Legend has it that the bones came either from soldiers who died in a big battle or from plague victims. Over the door is a sign in Portuguese that addresses visitors' own mortality and translates to: Our bones are here and are waiting for yours.”  It’s a ghoulish place and not one I would have chosen to visit on my own.  Instead of posting bones photos, I’ll post the tile mural designed by Alviro Siza Viera, which celebrates life and the birth of the nativity.

Church of St. Francis - with it's rather plain exterior - is famous for it's Chapel of Bones

Famous entry to the Chapel of Bones:  Our bones are here and we're waiting for yours.

This mural by Alvero Siza, celebrates life through the Nativity and is located across from the Chapel of Bones

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