Saturday, November 2, 2019

Lisbon's Parque das Nações (Park of Nations)

Sunday, October 27, 2019                                                                               Lisbon
Building in Lisbon's Park of Nations

Our first stop on today’s program is Lisbon’s Parque das Nações  (Park of nations) and it was a stunning visit.  It was built for the World Exposition in 1998.  The Expo’s theme, “The Oceans, a Heritage for the Future” was meant to celebrate the 5ooth anniversary of Vasco da Gama’s epic sea voyage and the first European sea route from Portugal to India in 1498.  It was purposefully built to continue to be a modern, living city after the exhibition closed, with housing , shopping, work spaces  and a planned open community.  Elizabeth says it remains a very desirable place to live in Lisbon.

All the buildings felt bright and light, with plenty of open space surrounding them and embracing the community

This building has criss crossing walkways traversing the central courtyard area

Canopies that mimic sail or flowers and provide needed shade

The Expo was located on the banks of the Tagus River and incorporated water and seafaring themes in its design. There is an extensive water walkway that shows all the buildings to their best advantage, with an overhead gondola cable car.  An Oceanarium and Portuguese Pavillion are highlights of the Park.  It also abuts the spectacular Vasco da Gama bridge, which connects Lisbon with Montijo across the river.  It’s the longest span in Europe at 10.5 miles.

A portion of the Oceanarium, covered facade of beautiful half round ceramic tiles


A part of the river quay along the Tagus, bring the Expo's water theme right up to the buildings

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