Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Breakfast time is the best time to say goodbye to Portugal

Tuesday, October 29, 2019                                                                               Evora

Delicious Bolo Real (Royal Cake) offered for breakfast at the posada

Today we leave Portugal and drive across the border to southern Spain.  We had 
another great breakfast at the Convent.  The breakfast offerings are laid out in the 
former refractory and the tables are set in the hallways of the corridors of the cloister.

Convent's refractory - location of our breakfast choices

Ribbed ceiling with Portuguese arch

Breakfast tables waiting for our group

Marble fountain - one is always located outside a refractory for the monks to use for washing before meals

We were all packed up and ready to go after breakfast. Our group walked down to 
the location of our waiting tour bus and our driver Pedro. We're stopping to tour 
Merida, which has some interesting Roman ruins and a museum before moving into 
our parador in Carmona, Spain tonight.

Old city walls of Evora, covered with ivy

More creative Portuguese graffiti

Goodbye Evora.  It was fun to visit.  Keep calm and carry on....

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