Sunday, November 24, 2019

The best lunch in Spain - and shopping!

Fresh burrata salad at El Pinton

Wednesday, October 30, 2019             Seville

We did some window shopping on the way to the Metropol Parasol (mushrooms) – and also on the way back, as we returned to tour the Cathedral. We stopped first for lunch, and ate al fresco at El Pinton – one of the best meals we've had on the trip. We had mussels, a tempura battered egg served in a truffle cream sauce and salad made with fresh burrata, avocado, tomato and arugula. Stunning!

We ate al fresco and were pleased with the recommendations of our waiter

El Pinton menu

Delicious mussels

The best - a tempura batter fried egg in a truffle cream sauce

There was plenty to look at in the windows - especially items related to the
flamenco culture and souvenirs of Seville. I bought some bitter orange toiletries,
hand cream and spray, some socks with patterns of the Alcazar tiles and a t-shirt for Matt.

Many shops specialized in flamenco items

Latest flamenco fashions - our guide Elena is a dancer and says the styles change every year

Adult and junior flamenco dresses

The PlazaVirgen de los Reyes adjacent to the Cathedral

La Fuente Farola - the Lamppost Fountain

Communion dresses for little girls

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A snail in a most unusual place

Wonderful Iberian ham sold on every corner

Hello Wisconsin!

The Palacio Arzobispal

The only sign of Halloween we saw on our travels in Spain - not a big deal there!

This T-shirt seems perfect for Matt...

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