Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Architectural Adventures across Portugal & Southern Spain

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

We leave today for our special program with the American Institute of Architects on a 2 week tour of Portugal and Southern Spain.  Flying via Iberia Airlines to Madrid, then EasyJet to Lisbon.  Our formal tour starts tomorrow.

Using my National Geographic suitcase for this trip to Portugal & Spain.  Great memories!

We've had a beautiful fall here in WI, MI and IL.  Left Chicago on a sunny, mild day - the colors are just arriving here in the city. 

Great fall afternoon in central city Chicago.

 We're flying Iberia Airlines, which departs from Terminal 3 in ORD.  Not my usual location, but fun to see this part of the terminal.  

Terminal 3 at ORD decked out for Breast Cancer Awareness month.
This is my third trip through ORD in 2 weeks.  Two visits to the National Academy of Medicine for meetings in DC.  Glad to be traveling for fun this time.

Albert Einstein at the National Academy of Medicine

Great weather last weekend in DC for walking around and seeing the sights.

So, time for boarding.  Looking forward to landing in Madrid, and then off to Lisbon on Easy Jet to start our "architectural "adventure" tomorrow.