Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Tejo Power Museum - the Museum da Electricidade

Saturday, October 26, 2019                                                                               Lisbon

The old Tejo Power station, converted into an ElectricityMuseum

The Museum de Electrididade is located on the banks of the Tagus (Tejo) River, across the street and train tracks from the National Coaches Museum.

It was originally the Tejo Power Station, a thermoelectric power plant constructed in three phases over the last century, which supplied power to the city and the entire Lisbon region.  It was active from 1909 to 1972.  After decommissioning, it was refurbished and opened to the public as the Electricity Museum.

Great riverwalk, with frequent sailboats passing along the Tagus River

The quay along the river is a lively place for walking and biking, with great views of the 25th of April bridge.  Across the river is a large statue - the Sanctuary of Christ the King - modeled after the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro.

Guess who

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