Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Tower of Belem - the Age of the Portuguese Caravelle

Saturday, October 26, 2019                                                                               Lisbon

Elena Gonzales, our local tour guide from Madrid, bought us all a treat

After our tour, we all had a treat – pasteis de Belem, from a patisserie that makes 50,000/day!  Elena says that the pasties de Nata that we have had the last 2 days are only an imitation of the great pasteis de Belem that we are about to sample.

Pasteis de Belem - freshly baked

We drove to the Belem Tower and walked to the seaside to see it.  We then had lunch at a little cafeteria restaurant near the tower, before driving to our next destination.

Belem Tower

The Belem Tower (Torre de Belem) is a 16th century fortification which has served a fortress and as a ceremonial gateway to Lisbon.  It is another example of the Portuguese Manueline architecture and was build from limestone  It's 4 stories tall.  It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1983.

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