Thursday, October 24, 2019

Landing in Lisbon - we love you already

Thursday, October 24, 2019                                                                        Lisbon

Sierra de Gredos mountains in central Spain - with lenticular cloud caps and snow dustings

Our flight to Lisbon was an easy hour jump.  Lisbon is one hour earlier than Madrid, so our flight arrived before 1 PM.  We were served lunch, but I spent most of the time looking out the window at the scenery of eastern Spain and Portugal.  We crossed some cloud topped and snow covered mountains – the Sierra de Gredos and generally followed the course of the River Tagus (Rio Tejo) – the longest river of the Iberian peninsula which eventually empties into the Atlantic in Lisbon, partly forming it’s harbor and estuary.  There are many dams for hydroelectric power along it’s course, and it was east to see the one at Alcantara from the window of the plane.  You could also see all the irrigation circles along it’s course.  The approach to Lisbon was fascinating, as it is quite hilly.  Many windmills and solar panel networks also scattered along the way.

City outside of Madrid - do you think the arena could be a bull fighting ring?

Sierra de Gredos - a large park is located in this range for camping, hiking, sporting

A section of the Tagus River that's been dammed - doesn't this formation look like "Burning Man"?

The hydroelectric dam on the Tagus River at Alcantara.  There are about 60 dams along the river used for hydroelectricity.

The Tagus River, at the top of this photo and the longest river  in Iberia, is also an important source of irrigation for crops.

Majestic span bridge across the Tagus River seen from the air.

Landing approach to Lisbon - hilly views

Lisbon’s airport, Humberto Delgado, was easy to navigate, no customs, and our luggage beat us to the retrieval area.  We grabbed a cab and headed to our hotel, the Lapa Palace Hotel.  On the way, we passed the 25 de Abril Bridge, a suspension bridge that crosses the Tagus River and looks very similar to the Golden Gate Bridge, and the Lisbon Aquaduct, built in 1746 to bring fresh drinking water to the city.

Humberto Delgado Airport in Lisbon

Agueduto das Aguas Livres - built in the 1700s

Colorful tiles are everywhere in Lisbon

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