Thursday, October 24, 2019

Evening walk in our Lisbon neighborhood

Thursday, October 24, 2019                                                                        Lisbon

Embassy in our Lapa neighborhood in Lisbon

We motivated by 5:30 and decided to go for a neighborhood walk before dinner.  We obtained a map of the city from the concierge and asked for directions to the nearest cathedral – the Basilica de Estrela.

It was a great walk – in the golden hour of the evening.  Many were on their way home, walking dogs, riding the trolley car/tram.  Lots of people were gathered in outdoor cafes, or small local coffee bars.  

House across from our hotel - you can see it's a hilly walk!

Wrought iron window barriers, balconies, door frames, terraces in every direction

Pastel colors match the evening sky over the Tagus River

Tile facades and wrought iron filigree

Looking through a spider web of trolley car lines

Public transportation is easy and we considered hopping on - but wanted to stretch our legs

Marble stone sidewalks and road pavers

Popular outdoor cafe near the Basilica

Waiting for the trolley

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