Thursday, August 11, 2022

Evening Watching a Perfect Sunset and Singing Sea Shantys


Watching for the green flash at sunset

Monday, July 11 - Trip Day 12

Well, we were at the end of another perfect day at sea.  We'd had an enjoyable and entertaining visit to ancient Olympia; a great lunch, including delectable lamb chops, up on the lido deck, we relaxed and read on deck, had a lecture on Greek history from our two Greek guides, Laura and Effie.  We had a lovely dinner with Skip and Kris - Skip worked with Paul Carbone at the UW Cancer Center, so it was fun to compare Wisconsin notes.

And now we were all gathered together on the spanker deck.  It had been a lovely, sunny day and we were watching the sun go down.  Captain John and Simon joined us as well.  We talked and laughed and told stories, while everyone was waiting to see if we could experience the "green flash" at the end of the day.  Simon thought he saw it for sure, as did others.  I wasn't so sure.  But no matter, it was a perfect sunset at sea.

And we were in for one more surprise this evening.  The crew had prepared a show of shanty songs for our entertainment.  Our cabin steward, Danny, was their guitarist.  They had a song book and invited us to join in.  "What do you do with a drunken sailor?"  "Yo, ho, up she rises."  And we finished with "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean", with everyone linking arms, and swaying and singing at the top of our lungs.  Great fun!

Crew singing shanty songs for our entertainment

Loud, yes; on key, well, maybe......


Beautiful, almost full moon

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