Friday, August 5, 2022

Sailing with Time Lapse Capture - The Artistry of a Fully Rigged Ship

Our fourth day of sailing - fully rigged

Saturday, July 9 - Trip Day 10

Leaving Sarande and Albania - Lekursi Castle at the top of the peak

The Sea Cloud left the port of Sarande around 2 PM, and headed south into the Ionian Sea.  Our next port of call is Ithaca.  Today, we were able to sail again, for the fourth day.  It was fun watching the sails go up, sitting with a great view in the stern in the spanker deck.  Today, Captain John gave us a lesson on how to "wear" the ship - to turn it - in this case, from port to starboard when the wind is coming in from the stern.

Today I took time lapse videos - fun to see the sails going up and coming down, accelerated so that you can see all the work entailed in responding to the needs of sailing a complex, fully rigged ship.

Michael under sail

Time lapse video, raising the sails:


What a spectacular sight!

Sailing south, with the Greek island of Corfu on the starboard

Time lapse, hauling in the sheets and taking up the sails:

Sails up; ready for securing by the mast crews

Time lapse, crew securing the foremast sails:

We had two lectures in the lido deck this afternoon.  One by our expert archaeologist, Bill, on the Greek gods.  And one by our cruise director, Paula, on the history of the Sea Cloud.  After her talk, we had a tour of the cabins on the "owner's deck" - the ten fancier rooms, including one that was built for EF Hutton.  Of course, there are guests staying in all those cabins, but they were gracious enough to let us all tromp through to take a look.  It was fun - and we were even served champagne as we started the tour!

Our two bartenders ready the champagne flutes while we have a lecture on the Sea Cloud

Our lovely cruise director, Paula, gave the talk on the history of the Sea Cloud

Hallway in the Main Deck

Suite Number Two - for EF Hutton, husband of Majorie Merriweather Post

Marble bathroom - maybe bigger than our cabin?

Pretty colors - only 2 portholes, but light and airy colors

Most of these rooms had a fire place

Pretty blue suite

Another example of the marble bathrooms

Evening lighting on the Ionian islands

My favorite quiet time; moon's out and everyone's tucked in their cabins.  Sounds of wind and waves.

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