Monday, August 8, 2022

Fully rigged


The Sea Cloud in all her glory

Sunday, July 10 - Trip Day 11

This afternoon we're heading south to the port of Katakolon, after spending the morning touring Ithaca.  We're under sail again, for the 5th day.  I'm so pleased - I really had only expected one day of sailing, and the rest of the time we'd be motoring around.  Instead, we have been under full sail almost every day of the journey.

Right after we left Ithaca and the bay, Captain John had the crew hoist the sails.  And today we had a spectacular treat.  We launched the Zodiacs, so that we could travel around the Sea Cloud and see her fully rigged with sails up from viewpoints on the water.  What a glorious sight!

Heading out on the Zodiac to take a look at the Sea Cloud under sail

The island of Ithaca behind us

We enjoyed a leisurely afternoon and our usual sumptuous three course dinner.  Vension tonight - all the meals have been delicious.  We spent the evening visiting with new friends and watching the sunset as we continued sailing south toward our next port, Katakolon, from which we would visit Olympia tomorrow.

Halcyon days

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