Saturday, August 13, 2022

Monemvasia and Other Delights on our Day at Sea

Heading toward the medieval town of Monemvasia

Tuesday, July 12 - Trip Day 13

Today is our final day and night on the Sea Cloud.  We're heading south and east around the Pelopponese, and by tomorrow will have arrived at Pireus, the port for Athens.  We have nothing in particular scheduled.  Captain John thought we would not put up the sails today, as there isn't a hint of wind.  I've been so pleased that we were able to be under sail for 5 days of this trip.

He did have a nice surprise for everyone - since we were going to make good time under motor, he arranged for another sea swimming session.  He headed into a protected area, very near the medieval walled city of Monemvasia, and set up the swimming configuration.  Third opportunity, and Michael was very pleased to be able to swim again.

Almost an island, Monemvasia's promontory 

Monemvasia, originally called Malvasia, is a walled medieval fortress that was established in the 600s AD by citizen refugees from Sparta.  The city is on a promentary of a peninsula that is almost an island - only 200 meters of land connect it to the south-east corner of the Pelopponese land mass.  It was hewn from the rock facing the sea in a specific location where it couldn't be seen from land, to avoid attacks.  The only access to Monemvasia was via boat. Later, a paved road connected the castle to the mainland - hence the origin of its current name, which means "one passage".

In Byzantine times and later, Monemvasia was a prized location, because of trading routes.  It came under both Ottoman and Venetian rule.  Today, it is a very popular tourist destination.

Literally carved out of the rock, Monemvasia has been called the Gibraltar of the East

The Byzantine church of Agia Sofia was built in the 1100s.

The set up for swimming in the sea was in the pocket next to the mainland and the promontory of Monemvasia.  Another beautiful, warm and sunny day!

Ready for the swimmers to come down the gangway

Michael, cruising by the "floaters"

That's my guy!

Passing many lovely islands, including Hydra, on the horizon

Below, what happens when you've asked your sweet husband to take your picture.  And you think he's finished, and you start telling a story.  And he's still taking pictures!  HaHaHaHa.  Didn't know I was so dramatic!

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