Sunday, August 14, 2022

Our Final Push to Squeeze It All Out of Athens - Agora, Parliament, Olympic Stadium and More!

Stoa of Attalos in the Agora

Wednesday, July 13 - Trip Day 14

After lunch, we made a quick trip to see the highlights of the agora.  In many ways, this was the more important historical site - the Acropolis was for ceremonial activities.  The agora was day to day life.  But, it's hard to imagine, as not much is left even remotely intact.  Except for the long Stoa of Attalos - which is where markets and shopping and other activities occurred.  

The Stoa was constructed in the 2nd century BC and its restoration was heavily supported by private donations, including the Rockefeller Foundation.  It now houses a museum.

Exterior of the Stoa of Attalos

Museum displays outside the individual stalls in the stoa

A funny (recent) statue of Socrates talking with Confucius in the middle of the agora

The temple of Hephaestus in the ancient agora

A view of the Acropolis from the agora

We did a final drive around to a few more sites before being dropped off at our hotel for the evening at the NJV Athens Plaza Hotel.  The hotel is centrally located, right on the square of the Parliament building.  It was a good base to walk around from in the evening.

Olympic stadium constructed for their last Olympics

Honor guard for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier walking to the Parliament

Greek Parliament and square

Our hotel recommended the Athena Icon Restaurant.  It can be chancy taking a random recommendation from a one-night stay concierge, but this was a great recommendation.

Location of our last meal before vacation's end

Another fabulous Greek salad, served with an olive tamponade

Fried feta cheese with honey, balsamic and sesame

Cheese croquettes with fig jam

Yoghurt, honey and walnuts for desert - and complementary mastika as a digestivo


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