Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The Weather Gods Bring It in Albania

Big weather front coming through the port of Durres

Friday, July 8 - Trip Day 9

Even though it was sunny when we arrived in Durres around 7 AM this morning, you could tell big weather was on its way.  As the morning hours passed, the skies kept getting darker and the wind began gusting - at times fiercely.  The crew was busy "battening down the hatches" - well, OK, no one said that, but they were securing loose lines, putting away chairs and cushions and assorted other tasks.

By noon, the winds hit hard and the rain came pouring down.  I put on my rain gear and went for a stroll around the Sea Cloud to  check things out.

Mid morning clouds hinting that worse was on its way

Wind, waves and smoke in the port

Video of the wind and the water - Captain John said gusts were at 40 knots:

This cloud looks like a giant bird with its wings outstretched, swooping down on the port

Walking around, checking out the ship.  I loved the sound of the rain:

Raindrops in puddles

All the cushions tucked away to stay dry

Lines are ship-shape, don't you think?

Two of the port's pilot boats docked at our stern

When the tour busses returned about 4:30 PM, the Captain gave the orders to head out of port.  He had some difficulty, as we had docked bow first, and he needed to turn the vessel 180 degrees to exit the port.  Unfortunately, he didn't have enough leeway to do so, with the winds pushing the boat into the concrete dock.  No worries, the pilot boats were standing by, and helped with some gentle pushing to get us on our way.  Videos below in time lapse:

Our friend the pilot boat on our port side - a second one stationed starboard as well

Watching us as the crew worked to move the Sea Cloud enough to give her room to turn:

Well,  how about a little help out the door?:

A dark and stormy goodbye to Durres

The car ferry departed right after us - and soon pulled past on its way to Ancora, Italy.  It left a large wake behind - with waves big enough to surf on:

Western sky - still bringing more action

Our overnight heading - from Durres to Sarende, Albania.  ETA around 7 AM tomorrow.

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