Tuesday, August 2, 2022

25 Turns to Climb Mount Lovcen - Spectacular Views

View of the end of Kotor Bay and the modern town of Kotor

Thursday, July 7 - Trip Day 8

We had a respite for a few hours on the Sea Cloud before heading back to the port of Kotor via our tender.  We were about to board the bus again, for a real treat.  We would be traveling up  the face of Mount Lovcen to a small village nestled at 900 meters (~2700 feet) in the Lovcen National Park.

The road has quite a reputation - its only a single lane - but allows two way traffic.  It has very minimal guard rails and no real turn outs.  If you encounter another car, one of you has to back up, to one of the 25 hairpin turns that allow you to climb the mountain.  Can you imagine - we were traveling up this 30 km drive with two 40 meter long busses!

On the bus - our chariot up Mount Lovcen

At first, easy, peasy with nice views of the bay - road stretches out on the left

The range reaches heights of 5,700 feet above Kotor Bay

The beginning of 25 hairpin turns

The Sea Cloud anchored off the port of Kotor

All these cars (and more) had to back up to let our two busses pass by

Big traffic jam - small guard rails

It was easy for us - we were passengers listening to a running comedic commentary by our Montenegran guide.  At one point, a number of cars needed to back uphill to the previous hairpin turn so that our bus (ses) could pass by.  There was a guy in a red Audi rental car who couldn't back up.  Probably one of us Americans that never learned to drive a stick shift, much less go uphill and in reverse on a mountain pass!.  

His wife got out of the car to help direct him.  Three other wives got out of their cars to help her.  No one was going anywhere, and the line of cars kept getting longer.  Finally, our bus driver got out, sat down in the driver's seat of the red Audi, and neatly spun it back up to the hairpin turn so we could break the logjam.  He re-entered our bus to a big round of applause.  No yelling or screaming or fisti-cuffs - everyone was just out for a Sunday drive on a Thursday

The big cruise ship in Kotor port is leaving

The Adriatic Sea over the Lustica Peninsula - and the "M" in the center is our original road

The views just keep getting better

Getting there! - Hairpin turn number 23

Last one - number 25 - and the beautiful Adriatic Sea to the west

Goodbye cruise ship #1 - now cruise ship #2 is moving in

An unforgettable view - so blessed to share it with each other

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