Saturday, August 13, 2022

Our Last Evening Together: The Captain's Gala Dinner


Captain John welcoming us as official members of the Sea Cloud family

Tuesday, July 12 - Trip Day 13

Our last full day on the Sea Cloud was relaxing, poignant and fun.  We collected photos from everyone to produce a group slide show.  We had a final lecture from our archeologist, Bill.  We packed up, settled our accounts, and exchanged contact information and air-dropped photos to each other.

We had a final cocktail reception up on the lido deck, where we watched our collective slide show, with musical accompaniment from Mario, our piano player.  Captain John, Paula and Simon all made remarks.  We were officially welcomed again, as members of the Sea Cloud family, now that we have shared this experience together.  And we were invited downstairs into the dining room for our Gala Farewell Dinner.

Captain John and Simon speak about the memories we will cherish from this journey

Big smiles, thinking about the great memories we will take with us from this teip

Our last sunset at sea

Our dear "bubble buddies" - Colleen and Nancy

Our Farewell Gala Dinner was the culmination of a week's worth of delicious meals.  We enjoyed a 5 course meal with candlelight, crystal, linens and fine wine.  The napkins made me smile widely, as they were folded like a three masted sailing ship.  We sat at dinner with Nancy and Colleen, our original Covid "bubble buddies" from the beginning of the journey.

Napkins folded like a three masted sailing ship

Crystal, silver, linens and candlelight - so sweet


Lobster panna cotta

Grilled scallops

A great big glass of cheer

Champaign sorbet swimming in champaign (poured at the table by our waiters...)

Beef tenderloin

Chocolate deglace

The party's over...

Good night and sweet dreams

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