Thursday, August 11, 2022

Just to Let You Know How Good the Food Has Been....

Cabin steward Danny left me this cute pillow message

Monday, July 11 - Trip Day 12

The meals on the Sea Cloud have been amazing.  Each day, a printed menu for lunch and dinner, with four course meals and specific regional wines from each port of call.  Today's post is just a sampling from one lunch to show you some of the great choices we've been tempted by.
Lunch was ready for us on the lido deck when we returned from our morning excursion to Olympia.

Returning to the boat at Katakolo

Michael heads back on board

Always fresh flowers and fruit in our room every day

Lunch appetizers - salmon mousse canapes

Zucchini piccata with lemon aioli sauce

Delicious lamb chops

Service with a view

Chocolate mousse and walnut ice cream for desert

Fresh fruit options

An amazing cheese plate is always available for desert as well

My lunch, including chilled cucumber soup, gnocchi and duck with marinated apple

Cheese and fruit for desert!

And we're sailing around the peninsula to Athens now....


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