Friday, August 5, 2022

Sarande - Albanian Beach Town Bordering Greece

The port of Sarande, Albania, with it's pretty beaches

Saturday, July 9 - Trip Day 10

I was on my favorite perch this morning - the foredeck - watching the crew dock at Sarande, which is a port at the southern tip of Albania.  The day was clear and sunny - a welcome change after the storms that blew threw yesterday.

We had two port activities planned:  a visit to the Butrint Archeological Park and a visit to the Lekuski Castle.  We were loaded and off in our busses by 8:30 AM.

Docking at the port of Sarande - time lapse video below:

Sarande is at the southern tip of Albania - across from the Greek island of Corfu

Our two destinations today: Butrint Archeological Park (bottom) and Lekursi Castle (top)

The drive to the Butrint Archeological Park was along the sea coast, with inspiring views of the Ionian Sea.  We drove along the Ksamil Peninsula, which is a pretty resort area.  On our left, the peninsula is defined by Lake Butrint.  The small peninsula where Butrint was strategically located guards the canal that connects the Ionian Sea with freshwater Lake Butrint.

Groves of olive trees, the blue, blue Ionian Sea, and the Greek island of Corfu

In the foreground, the canal connecting the sea with Lake Butrint, guarded by historic Butrint city. 

Butrint is an ancient hilltop city in a strategic site on a small peninsula located on a canal where the Ionian Sea joins the freshwater Lake Butrint.  It is the largest archeological site in the Balkans and was "discovered" in the 1920's.  Its excavations have revealed four major phases of development: Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Venetian, and various ruins highlight each period.

Our guide, Loretta, is a school teacher and grew up in a small village near this location, just across the border from Greece.  She described how difficult it was growing up under the isolation of the Albanian communist times - especially because they were close enough to Greece to receive telecommunications that let them know what they were missing.

Michael, with guide Loretta, illustrating the various phases of development of Butrint

Butrint's Venetian tower, located at the entrance of the excavations

This complex, primarily from Greek times, is dedicated to the healing god, Asclepius

Next to a temple dedicated to Asclepius, a large public theater

Large rock polygons are from Greek times, bricks from Roman, cuboid pattern, Byzantine

Greek writing, in situ;  one of these declares that all slaves are free, more than 2000 years ago

Sections of the Roman Baths

Arches from Butrint's Roman Forum

A Baptistery from Byzantine times, with a mosaic floor, covered in sand for protection (!)

Basilica arches from Byzantine times

The nave of the Byzantine basilica

Butrint has many beautiful mosaic floors, but this is the only one that can be seen.  The rest are covered with sand to preserve them (darn!)

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