Saturday, May 7, 2022

And It's a Wrap! Time to Head Back Home

Settled into our United Airlines seats for the next 10 hours

Monday, April 25, 2022

We had a great trip, but all good things eventually must end.  After our fun excursion in Amsterdam, we returned home on Sunday night via taxi and had a modest dinner in our room while packing up to depart in the morning for our flight back to Chicago.

The challenge is always how to fit in the souvenirs that found us along the way.  I had packs of stroopwafels from Gouda, Bonte Koe chocolate from Karina, gingerbread molds and giant pencils from Zanse Skans, Nolet Silver gin from Schniedam, truffle cheese from Amsterdam and a few other various and sundry gifts for the grands and the ladies.  Thank goodness Michael always brings his black dufflebag - half empty on the way over, full on the way back

Ready and waiting for our taxi to Schiphol Airport

According to the airlines, we needed a negative Covid test less than 24 hours before our flight in order to be allowed to return to the US.  On Sunday afternoon, in the little town of Lisse, we were able to make an appointment with Nurse Alice - an on call service.  Alice met us at this cute little clinic, registered us and performed our Covid tests - negative, thank goodness - and charged us all of $30 for this fantastic service.

The irony was no one - and I mean, no one - at the airport asked about it or cared whether we had it done - nor did they want the 3 page CDC form we were told to print out and complete.  Yikes.

Lisse medical clinic where we obtained a Covid test on Sunday afternoon

Hurray! Negative tests....

Thanks, Nurse Alice, a great service at a good price

We arrived at Schiphol three hours early.  It was a holiday week in the Netherlands, and we were warned that there was a work slowdown by the baggage handlers at the airport.

The lines were very long - it took us more than an hour to get through priority/first class security.  But we had time for a quick coffee before boarding the plane and we made a few last purchases.

I am Amsterdam

We bought Miffy dolls for the grandgirls and Miffy books for all the littles

We tucked into our first class pods on the plane - one seat in front of the other and settled in for our flight.  We were almost an hour and a half late in taking off, because so many people were delayed by the work slowdown going on with the employees. I felt sorry for people that had to make connections in Chicago.  Fortunately, all we had to do was get out car out of the economy lot and head home once we arrived.

I spent the flight working on this travel blog, as I was far behind without internet access while we were on the Aurora.  I had a glass of port after lunch, and had a nice surprise.  The flight steward gave me a bottle of port to take home with me.  How fun!

Love to watch the world go by.  Can't wait to do it again - next trip is in July.

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