Monday, May 2, 2022

"Gimme a Ticket for a Fast Train...."

Rotterdam Centrall Train Station - known as "the Shark"

 Thursday, April 21, 2022

For complicated reasons, our group wasn't able to have access to our bikes to return to the Aurora from Gouda this afternoon.  So we decided to take the train back.  We had our guide, Willem, with us so we really had it easy and didn't have to figure out which stations to transfer, etc.

The trains and trams are so efficient and a great way to travel from place to place.  We finished our shopping and eating in Gouda and walked to the train station, bought tickets and headed to Rotterdam Centraal, where we would change to a local tram to arrive in our base town of Schiedam.

Central train station in Gouda

Heading out on track 8a to Rotterdam - you can see the train arrives in 2 minutes

The train colors made me think of Ukraine - blue and gold

It was worth the stop in Rotterdam just to see the amazing Rotterdam Centraal train station - a part of the modern architecture scene of the city.  Willem says it's known as "the Shark" because of it's unique shape.

From the central train station, we needed to catch a smaller, local tram.  It was helpful to have Willem with us, but I know we could have managed, as everything is clearly described and labeled.

The Shark - great nickname reflecting the shape of this beautiful structure

Views from the train windows

"Dye Hard"

City bench club

We had another outstanding dinner tonight. Karina is an amazing, classical cook.  We started with prosciutto and melon, followed by a roast lamb shank.  I didn't want to admit that I usually don't eat lamb.  But this dish was cooked perfectly and was delicious.  Our dessert tonight was creme brûlée.  I hope I walked enough today to help with all these tasty calories!!

Roasted Lamb Shank

Who wouldn't love this beautiful creme brûlée?

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