Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Birds and Barges

Passing barges on the way to Delft

Friday, April 22, 2022

The main canal between Schiedam and Delft was busy with barges - bringing loads of sand north to a building site, and empty barges returning south, passing us looking very light and riding high.

The area is green and pastoral, and supports a variety of species of waterfowl.  We saw lots of geese, coots, ducks, great crested grebes, cormorants and heron.  Many were nesting, or teaching their broods to swim.

The barges passed gently by - not even a ripple of a wake

European shag cormorant

Cormorant resting in protected canal bird areas, baffled to prevent problems with nesting

A family of geese

Are they called Canadian geese in Europe?  (Answer:  yes.)

Pastoral and peaceful

Great Blue Heron - we saw them every day while biking as well

A nesting coot.  Baby's little brown head and beak are just below momma's head on the left

Beautiful biking

A Great Crested Grebe - two little feather tufts on the top of its head

Another grebe - very active divers

Great Blue Heron flying overhead

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