Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Scheidam's Distillery Buildings - and Other Canal Sights

Distilling jenever (gin) for 250 years in these buildings

Friday, April 22, 2022

Schiedam has been the center of Holland's traditional Dutch gin industry for hundreds of years.  Jenever, as the Dutch gin is known, was distilled in more than 400 breweries.  Now many of the traditional distilleries and warehouses have been converted for homes, stores and other uses.

Henk says you can recognize the original distilleries by their form - always with an off center large main door, and three or more stories of windows.  We passed a number of these interesting buildings on our tour through the city.

A typical old distillary, with off center large door, now repurposed

Another example of a repurposed gin distillery

Off center door, three stories high....

A warehouse on the canal, with a church steeple behind

People use the canals for swimming, as you can see by the railing access to the water

Typical Schiedam warehouse architecture

Beautiful canal side house with its blue boat

Mike says thumbs up to a future visit to this Michelin one-star restaurant

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