Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Boating the Canals from Schiedam to Delft

Our tour group on the S'leop Schiedam with Captain Henk

Friday, April 22, 2022

Our group was excited to take a boat tour of the canals from Schiedam to Delft this morning.  We hadn't been able to tour the canals, because the Aurora's Captain Steve had been ill.  So today, we were able to take a sloop, piloted by Captain Henk, for an excursion around the interesting city of Schiedam, and then through the countryside to the city of Delft, with a stop for sightseeing and lunch.

It was chilly on the water at the start of our excursion, but we had soft blankets to cover our laps. And Len, Henk's wife and the Company Director of S'leop Schiedam, had arranged a stop for coffee and pastries to start the morning.  We were in good hands!

Their website is at: 

Puffy jackets and lap blankets kept the morning chill at bay

This guy is never so happy as when he's in a boat

Michael & Henk had a lot to discuss - when Henk is not skippering, he is an addiction counselor

These wooden boat had large side paddles for steering, as the canals can't handle deep keels

The side paddles almost look like ears on the side of the boat

Schiedam is famous for its eight working windmills, still left from the original 25 associated with the gin distillation industry.  And they are the tallest traditional windmills in the world, at more than 30 meters.  

Schiedam's windmills were not used to drain land for polders, but rather served as mills for grinding grain for making genevier (gin). We had a close up view of many of them as we cruised the canals.

These windmills are the tallest traditional windmills in the world

Traditional Dutch canal drawbridge

Traveling under a canal drawbridge with Schiedam's library on the right side of the canal

Stairs allow access to the street from the canal

A quick stop for a delivery of pastries and coffee for our morning jaunt

As tasty as they are pretty

Captain Henk was full of information and a great tour guide

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