Saturday, May 7, 2022

Take a Closer Look - Profusion of Flowers Passing By

This spray of hundreds of delphinium was one of my favorites

Saturday, April 23, 2022

We had a great location for viewing the parade, which allowed us to see the profusion of flowers close up as the cars and floats passed by.  Clearly, some of these blooms came from nurseries and greenhouse, as many exotics blooms were present, and spring was still fairly early in this section of the Netherlands

I thought of Hawaii, with all the heliconia and anthurium,  as well as gladiola, zinnia and lilies 

Orchids bringing the pink!

Nice combination of green anthurium and blue delphinium

Tulips, orchids, snap dragons, lilies

Birds of Paradise were popular, as seen in the above two arrangements

Deep red zinnia and roses, with a touch of yellow lilies and tulips

An upside down beehive basket complemented the Beeing Close bee themed float

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