Saturday, May 7, 2022

Bloemencorso Bollenstreek - Amazing Flower Parade

Swans floating by in the annual Dutch Flower Parade

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Michael and I waited about an hour and a half along the parade barriers for the Bloemencorso Bollenstreek annual flower parade to reach our location in Lisse.  This is the 75th year of the flower parade, which starts at 9 AM in Noordwijk and ends 12 hours later in Haarlem, having traveled through Holland's countrysides and cities.

The parade has about 50 elements, including 16 large flower covered floats, a number of marching bands, and luxury cars and tractors covered with flower arrangements. More than 1 million people from all over the world will watch the parade along it's 45 km route.

The "Friends Parade" kicks off the event, with a flower covered coach as the first vehicle

Are these the parade marshals? Not exactly following the Rose Bowl USA format...

Each year the parade has a theme - this year's is "Celebrating Memories."  The first of 16 large floats is sponsored by WM Warmenhoven of Hillegom and represents a whale.  

This float is a nostalgic favorite, because this same organization sponsored a whale float in the original parade, 75 years ago.  This float is in 2 parts, with a large blue whale on the first car, followed by it's tail and two smaller pink baby whales in the second car.

First up for the large floats - a beautiful blue whale

The whale is spouting feathery spray, and swimming in swirls of white curling waves

Pink baby whales accompany the tail of "Big Blue"

The whale's tail waves goodbye as it heads down the streets of Lisse

From the town of Noordwijk, representing freedom and gender equality

Noordwijk's twist on traditional Dutch kissing couples

"With Your Head in the Clouds" - a balloon journey over the tulip fields

This float is sponsored by Lisse and received 1st place

"The Myth of the Swan" - swans have traditionally been featured in Lisse's flower floats

"Battle for Freedom" - featuring an American Indian and scenes from the US West

The float sponsors say that the fight for freedom is more topical than ever

This colorful float received 2nd place

"Beeing Close" - honoring the importance of the pollinators

"Like a Fish Takes to Water" - an undersea tableau

Hiking shoes representing the Dutch National Dune Parks

"Spread Your Wings" - a dunes landscape in flowers

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