Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Many Bridges to Pass Under in Schiedam


Don't cross that bridge until you come to it....

Friday, April 22, 2022

As we continued our tour of the city of Schiedam, and began heading north to Delft, Captain Henk had to maneuver the many low bridges that crossed the canals.  It was easy to take the sloop under the traditional draw bridges, like the one in the photo above.

However, Schiedam has built a number of canal crossings that are very low, and require a bridge worker to raise them (thus stopping car and bike traffic) for any size boat to pass under.  To get to Delft, we needed to pass under seven bridges that needed to be raised.

Stopped by the red light - need to wait for the bridge to be raised by the man in the orange vest

Captain Henk remains good humored while we wait for the bridge to be lifted

And Voila!, under the bridge we pass, and on to the next one.

Bicycle on the left, waiting for the bridge to come back down

All clear until the next boat

There are two bridge workers in Schiedam, and they work as a team.  One has a bicycle and one has a motorscooter.  One opens the bridge, having ridden ahead of the traveling boat in anticipation of opening or lifting the bridge.  The other stays behind to close it after the boat has passed through.  A tag-team approach.

Another Schiedam bridge - the bridgeworker, in orange, is waiting to lift it for us

A tandem approach for the bridge team

A few more bridges:

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