Tuesday, July 19, 2022

A Delicious Sampling of Bosnian Food


On the menu, "The National Dish" - a sampling of many popular Bosnian recipes

Saturday, July 2 - Trip Day 3

After touring, and watching the divers, and shopping, it was time for lunch in Mostar.  We were glad for a break, because the temperatures had reached at least 104 degrees.  Boris had made reservations at the Sadrvan restaurant, near the bridge.  Dining was alfresco, under tables shaded by large vines and fig trees, and cooled with misting spouts scattered throughout the space.  The table settings were colorful, and fresh roses were everywhere.

Michael and Boris entering the Sadrvan restaurant - notice the misting!

So much cooler under the shaded pergola

Every table and nook had fresh cut roses - so fragrant!

Patio under the pergola, with the trunk of the huge, shading vines and a well on the left

Our Bosnian salad, and the silver serving dish for our "National Meal"

We shared a feast of Bosnian dishes - starting with the Bosnian salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and eggs, dressed with sour cream.  We had cevapi with somun bread (grilled beef sausages with minced onions and a round flat bread a bit like a pita.  The bright red is Ajvar, roasted red pepper relish - soooo good!!  Various vegetables - onions, peppers, cabbage and grape leaves - stuffed with ground beef and rice filling. (Differently named dolmas and japrek).  Small compressed meat rounds, translated on the menu as Bosnian cookies.  And tomato, eggplant, peppers and onions stewed and served on rice.

In front, Ajvar, roasted red pepper spread - so flavorful with the meats

Boris demonstrates he likes to first dissolve the sugar cubes with a spoonful of  Bosnian coffee

Tufahija - a delicious dessert

We drank lemonade - served traditionally with no sugar. And had Bosnian coffee for dessert.  Honestly, I can't say I appreciated any taste difference between Bosnian, Turkish and Greek coffee - but respecting where it is served :-)  I love it, no matter what its nationality.

For dessert, tufahija, a peeled and cored apple, poached in rose water, stuffed with walnuts and honey, topped with whipped cream and cherries.  Very refreshing.

We were going to pass on dessert, but Boris kindly treated us to this fruit delicacy.  Wearing my new copper necklace.

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