Thursday, July 28, 2022

Wow! Swimming off the Ship in the Adriatic Sea

Swimming off the boat in the Adriatic Sea

Tuesday, July 5 - Trip Day 6

After lunch, we were treated to a surprise.  The Captain had secured permission from the Korcula port for swimming in the sea off the side of the boat.  Michael was thrilled, surprised he wasn't the first in line to get off the boat.  As I am not a swimmer, I stayed above and documented the fun.

First, the two Zodiac boats were lowered, and set up the "safe area", including a long line from the gangway that had a dozen floating mattresses strung like pretty blue square lights.  Once the set up was secured, people could head down the gangway and jump in the 80 degree water.  The Captain and crew watched carefully, as the current was strong and it wouldn't do to lose someone floating away past the ship.

At anchor, within the port and near the town of Korcula

Simon staffs the gangway and our friend Nancy is first in the water

The Zodiacs form a rope triangle, which marks the safe swimming area

Float mattress are strung along the rope for some leisurely time

Michael swimming in the Adriatic Sea!

I think he's happy, don't you?

Michael on the float furthest right

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