Monday, July 18, 2022

A Peak Inside Dubrovnik's Old Town


Dubrovnik ciity walls and it's original harbor

Friday, July 1 - Trip Day 2

After our dinner we decided to take a walk to the old town section of Dubrovnik.  We will be returning here when we're on the Sea Cloud cruise, and will spend a day touring the city.  So Michael and I wanted to have a look, but were not worried about being tourists.

The evening glow of the setting sun made it all seem very romantic.  The pinkish colors of the limestone walls and streets, contrasting with the turquoise blue of the Adriatic seemed dreamy, like a time apart.

Walking the sidewalks from our hotel to Dubrovnik's old town

Ragusa's port (Dubrovnik's original name) with the Tower of St. Ivan on the left

The Towers of St. Ivan and Tower Revelin are superimposed together from this perspective

Walking along the approach to the Ploca entrance to the city walls.

The Ploca entrance is near the Dominican Monastery (bell tower in the distance)

Guards at the Gate

Inside the 14th Century Ploca gate

St. Sebastian Church (1466), built at the gate because this saint is the protector from plague

St. Nicholas Church, from the 11th Century - one of Dubrovnik's oldest churches

Walking along Frana Supila street to our hotel

Local market with amazing floral display!

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