Monday, July 25, 2022

Heading to Hvar - Leaving Port on the Sea Cloud

Leaving Dubrovnik for our Adriatic sailing journey

Sunday, July 3 - Trip Day 4

By early evening, we were fully boarded and ready to start our Sea Cloud journey.  We would head north overnight to the historic Croatian city of Hvar.  Will will make three port stops in Croatia - Hvar, Korcula and Dubrovnik, before proceeding to Montenegro, Albania and Greece.

We left port at 6:30 PM; I was so excited.  The ship is under motor and very smooth.  We're still in relatively protected areas, and you really don't feel any motion or rocking, just a slight engine vibration. 

Goodbye to Dubrovnik's port and the Franjo Tudman bridge 

As we headed out away from the port, we were serenaded on the Lido deck by our piano player, Mario.  We passed light houses and little clusters of red tiled, white buildings, and passed many smaller sailboats and pleasure craft.  With the music in the background, it felt like we were in a movie set.

Watching from the stern on the lido deck

One light house guarding the small isles around Dubrovink

A second light house soon slips into view

An inviting place to watch the small towns slip by as we travel north

Soaking up some sun

We were offered drinks and canapes on the lido deck as we introduced ourselves to our fellow passengers.  I was delighted that one of the appetizers was a bruschetta made with ajvar - my new favorite Croatian roasted red pepper spread.

At around 7:30, we were invited downstairs for our first dinner.  The dining room is formal, with linens and crystal, flowers and candles.  It's a pleasure to sit down to a three course dinner and enjoy selected wines and locally sourced dishes.  We sat with two women, Connie and Nancy, who became part of our dining "bubble" for the first few days - trying to minimize any potential risk of Covid.  They were fun to get to know, as both have served as lifelong scholars (mentors) on Semester at Sea trips.  I enjoyed learning about these opportunities and wonder if it might be in my future?

After delicious roast lamb, a refreshing panna cotta with strawberry ice cream

Fresh flowers every evening

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