Sunday, July 31, 2022

Pharmicies, Markets and Game of Thrones - Dubrovnik Surprises

Farm produce and fruit for sale at Dubrovnik's market

Wednesday, July 6 - Trip Day 7

Having completed our tour of the medieval walls with Ivana, we had one last stop on our city tour:  the Franciscan Monastery and its associated centuries-old pharmacy. St. Francis is reported to have visited Ragusa twice.  The foundations of the monastery date to the 13th century.

The Franciscan Monastery at the west end of the Stradun

The cloister, with its 60 delicate double columns

The Franciscan complex houses a museum, library and pharmacy

Historical artifacts from the pharmacy, which has been operating since 1317, one of Europe's oldest

It was good that our official tour was completed, because it was getting hot and Michael was ready to bolt.  He left to go find a beach to swim and kayak.  On my own, I had a few more sites to visit.

I had spied an eastern orthodox church during our wanderings, along with an icon museum.  We had also passed a lively al fresco market that deserved a look.  And perhaps I would find a few places for souvenirs.   I just couldn't pass up all those Game of Thrones gift shops!

Built during the Austria-Hungarian times, the orthodox Church of the Holy Assumption

Beautiful iconostasis inside

The pastel colors in the orthodox church were serene and soothing

Bought a few (non-tacky) items at the GOT gift shop - cards and a book

Today's market, at Gundulic's Square, was bustling.  I missed the pigeon invasion - apparently hundreds of them gather every day at the sound of the noon time bells, as they are regularly fed by two men, Ivo and Hussein, at that time.

I wandered around the market, and was again impressed and enticed by the gorgeous fruit and vegetables.  I ran into our guide, Ivana, who was filling her water bottle at yet another public water fountain - this one at a corner in the market square.

Ivan Gundulic Macica, center statue, was a 16th century Dubrovnian writer

I bought a box of these delicious peaches

Look closely...

.....a clever trap for the bees

Fountain in the Gundulic Square

Hello Ivana, how fun to see you again!


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