Sunday, July 3, 2022

Dalmatian Coast and Dubrovnik Views


Dubrovnik as seen from above

Friday, July 1 - Trip Day 2

Dubrovnik is almost due south of Vienna and we had a beautiful, cloud free day for our flight.  I watched as we flew over Austria, Slovenia, northern Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and then finally the beautiful Dalmatian coast along the Adriatic Sea.

If available, I'll always take a window seat and watch the world go by.

South Croatian coast, Adriatic Sea and Bosnia-Herzegovina mountains beyond

Dubrovnik, with it's impressive cable-stayed bridge 

A Croatian, Fausto Veranzio, invented the cable-stayed bridge - appropriate this setting!

Approaching the old city of Dubrovnik as we land at the airport south of the city

From the air, you can see the fortified wall of the old city, built in the 1500's

Our hotel is located here - just south of Dubrovnik's old city

The mountains of Bosna-Herzegovina just past the rim of coastal Croatian land

Croatia has more than 1200 islands - this one's rather petite!

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