Sunday, July 31, 2022

Klapa singers - "A Group of Friends" in A Cappella Harmony

Croatian a cappella singing tradition - klapa music

Wednesday, July 6 - Trip Day 7

We returned to Dubrovnik around 5 PM for a concert by a group of klapa singers.  Klapa music is form of a cappella singing originating from Dalmatia, Croatia.  The word klapa means "a group of friends." The groups generally have from 4 to a dozen singers, with tenors, baritones and bass.  The concert was in an outdoor theater, near the Dominican church.

Heading back down the Stradun - can you feel that sun's heat reflecting off the stone?

Evening lounging on the steps of the Cathedral

Six membered klapa singing group

This performance and these songs  brought me to tears.  They reminded me of my own grandpap with his Polish/Slavic origins.  He played guitar, accordion and mouth harp and was an amazing musician.  These vocal harmonies are so powerfully moving.

Our final goodbye to Dubrovnik - the old port and Mount Srd in the background

Michael and I had dinner inside again tonight, rather than out on the lido deck.  A great Caprese salad; roasted chicken for me, grilled salmon for Michael; and yoghurt lime savarin tart with berry sorbet for desert.  We were treated to a beautiful orange-red sunset at the end of our meal, and the waxing moon and stars soon followed.  We departed close to midnight, escorted out of the port area by the pilot boat - on our way to Montenegro tomorrow.

Caprese salad with pesto for tonight's dinner first course

Local Croatian red wine - very nice

Berry sorbet and lime yoghurt tart

"Red sky at night, sailor's delight"

Hello to the moon!

Time to turn the night lights on

The Dubrovnik port's pilot boat, sending us on our way:

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