Sunday, July 3, 2022

A Quick Stop in Vienna


Ah, Vienna!  Even the airport has delightful coffee house culture

Friday, July 1 - Trip Day 2

Just a few hours at the Vienna airport before heading out on our second flight to arrive in Dubrovnik.  All airports are both the same, and distinguish themselves in unique ways.

We have wonderful cousins in Vienna, and have enjoyed our visits to this beautiful city.  This time, only a short stop and the products reminded me of fun times in the past.  Vienna - music, art, coffee and special alcoholic drinks.  At least, that's what you find in the airport passing through.

A Johann Strauss cafe

I remember a lovely visit to Demel cafe on a previous visit - so many pastries to choose! 

Cat's tongue chocolates

The beautiful Empress Sisi, one of the special symbols of Vienna

It must be Vienna if you can buy Mozartkugeln!

Do you think Mozart drank chocolate cream?  I say yes!

Vienna's airport workers looked liked they stepped out of a Minion movie set

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