Wednesday, July 20, 2022

At the Top - Dubrovnik's Mount Srd


Cable car from the city of Dubrovnik to the top of Mount Srd

Saturday, July 2 - Trip Day 3

Our fun day with our Croatian guide, Boris, held one more adventure.  A drive to the top of Mount Srd, overlooking Dubrovnik, Lokrum Island and the Adriatic Sea.  You can get to the top of Mount Srd from old town Dubrovnik via a 5 minute cable car ride (for $30 per ticket).  But we were able to see the views from the switchbacks on the way up the mountain.

Views of the coastline and red roofed buildings as we climbed up in elevation

As we climb higher,  it's easy to understand that Croatia's coastline has more than 1000 islands

At the summit of Mount Srd, a viewing platform affords beautiful views of old town Dubrovnik.  There is a restaurant and a cafe/bar and lots of viewing spots.  You can imagine, the winds are gusty, even on this warm summer day.

The restaurant at the top of the cable car viewing platform

View to the northwest in the setting sun, with modern Dubrovnik below

Mount Srd is topped with Fort Imperial, built by Napoleon in 1812.  It was a critically important location during the Homeland War (Croatia's name for their war of independence within the Balkan conflicts in the 1990's).  The Croatian army was able to hold this territory, and defend the 50,000 Croatians that were blockaded in the town of Dubrovnik.

Fort Imperial now holds a museum to the Homeland War, which also honors their army for their perseverance against tremendous odds.  The land surround this fort at the top of Mount Srd is now a recreation area for the veterans of the war.

Museum remembering the Homeland War at Fort Imperial atop Mount Srd

Turning away from the sea, atop Mount Srd,  you see Bosnia/HZG just past the bright green

A Roman Catholic memorial cross at the top of Mount Srd, easily seen from Dubrovnik below

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