Friday, February 13, 2015

Big country, big game, big love for the Serengeti

[Monday, February 9]

Today, we spent the day on a game drive around the Serengeti.  Below is just a sampling of the large and small animals, birds and reptiles that we were lucky enough to see.  We had a lovely "Out of Africa" picnic lunch on the savannah. We returned home to a nice hot bath and a gin and tonic to wash the grit away.

Topi, with purple-blue patches on face and legs

Our driver called him "Big Daddy" warthog

The rest of the warthog family...

Red billed Hornbill with a tasty dung beetle snack

Guinea fowl

Can you find the lion?

Giraffe encounter traffic jam -- they didn't want to share the bridge

Baby baboon gets a ride

Agama lizard - about a foot long in length

"Picnic lunch" on the savannah - little more upscale than Mike's usual picnic's!

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