Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Street Life in Lhasa

Mike and I finally became saturated with the tour group and decided to venture on our own for a while.  We wanted to visit the teahouse at the nunnery, but only 3 other people were "brave" enough to join us -- they were either worried that we couldn't find our way back to the hotel without a guide, or didn't want to become sick by eating/drinking anything that wasn't sterilized by the hotel.

So, we had ourselves a little adventure -  lots to see and do in the streets of Lhasa!

Map of downtown Lhasa

Hand knit yak wool long johns

Dumpling shop - yum!

Tailor shops - the married women wear the aprons to signify their status

Old man with child buying chickens
The butcher shops are run by Uighers - the Islamic minority population in western China

Yak butter and Yak butter cheese

Caterpillar larvae used for traditional medicines 

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